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Roxanne Barcelo Poses Topless on FHM June 2014 Issue

Yes, this is for real! This is really Roxanne Barcelo the girl that we love since 'Click' days as 'Toni' (GMA), to Pinoy Big Brother: Celebrity Edition (ABS-CBN) now poses for men's magazine FHM for the second time, now almost fully naked is not anymore Roxanne the teenybopper but a lady Roxee B!


She's now a grown-up woman, proud to flaunt what the heavens have blessed her with. Much has changed, but we can't help but like everything she decided to bury her head into now.


The 29-year-old singer-actress, said she feels more confident of herself and that this shows in her music. "I can't keep doing what people expect of me. In our generation, there's so much struggle to be ourselves. Now, there's no part of me that wants to bullshit people anymore."

Photographed by Ejay Leungof, Barcelo , was styled by Bela Vitug, with hair and makeup by Goerm Imperial and Janina Dizon, respectively.

UPDATE! More and more sexy photos of Roxee B!



  1. [silverspoon]
    Dammmnnn.... I really wish those nips would show up!
    Hell, we ain't kids no mo' --- so show us mo'!

  2. She's damn hot, i love her boooooobs ������


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